30 yrs again today a sweet little angel was born into our family. First grandson and first nephew. This sweet boy entered into the world at 3:05 pm weighing 5lbs 9oz 18inches long. His name
Michael David Duffy. I was at work when I received the phone call that he was finally here! I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. I was a Auntie!!! Grandma and Grandpa Davis, packed there silver Oldsmobile with all kinds of stuff especially the "Yellow Horse" that us children used when we where little and headed for Utah to meet there grandson. Grandpa had cleaned and fixed it all up the horse for Michael to play with when he was old enough too.
This little baby was the cutest thing ever. If I do say so myself. When I had moved to Utah and lived in the basement of my parents home with Cindy and Duff, I used to take Michael to mall with me and pretend he was mine. He looked like he could be mine. I loved doing that. We would have so much fun together. He used to stand at the top of the stairs and yell "Annie"(which meant Auntie) and than when I said come on down, he would slide on his belly so fast down the stairs to come for a visit. It was so funny. We would just laugh at him and than he would laugh at himself too. So cute.
Where does 30 yrs go? I love Michael as if where my own. I feel like Cindy birthed him, and in some strange way I think he is mine. Even to this day. I have watch him grow into a wonderful man, husband and nephew. His love for the gospel, his family and for his wife makes my heart swell with delight.
Happy Birthday Michael. I love you very much more than you know. My cup runeth over!
Love, Auntie
Oh Lisa you are the best auntie. My little one calls Denise Annie instead of auntie I love it.
Wow! I go to Saturday night Stake Conference and come home and you have a whole new look! Good job! Glad you're getting the bug....
Love the post! Michael still looks enough like you to be yours. Heavens little twists and perks, right?
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