I hope I can put this funny and hysterical evening in words! Ok here goes. Our family has some dear friends from our old ward in Torrance. They are the Readings! We have know them since, oh let me see for about 47yrs. Well Sister Reading and her oldest daughter live out here in AZ now. Well we all have decided that at least once a month we will all get together and have dinner and play games. So this past Saturday we had it on Ronda's and Arlene's home in Surprise. Ronda cooked and made really good Beef Stroganoff. Yummy! And than excellent pumpkin pie for desert. A little taste of Autumn. It was great!
Well Ronda and Arlene have the game called "3 and 4's". A card game. 3 decks of cards are in this game. So I asked who was going to shuffle. Well are Arlene says "no need to scuffle" and she whips out the deck scuffler like the ones in Vegas! I thought I was going to wet my pant. So Craig and my Dad start scuffling the cards for about 10 mins. Come on guys! It must be a guy thing. So we started to play the game and noticed that mom did not have anymore cards. We asked what was wrong and she politely told us she could not hold the cards because of her arititis in her thumbs. That was fine so Arlene said "lets play Mexican train". A domino's game. Sounds great. So we get all the domino's passed out and the game is being explained and all of sudden dad says "wait are these domino's in color? I can't see color!" I just about lost it. And than Mom and Dad starting laughing so hard, we where all about on the floor. Dad said "you might has well hang a handicap sign on mom and I". "Thank goodness I can count"! The night continued with these two. Dad is a good card and a good game player. I was shocked to see these two in action with games. It was so much fun. Than mom would say things like "well I just put that card down." And Arlene would lean over and tell her "Sigie we are playing domino's" and we would just fall apart with laughter. It was so awesome medicine for all of us. I love to laugh. I will cherish that evening that I had with them and to see them play games like that and just laugh at themselves and with all of us. It was great! Here are some pictures. Enjoy!

Sounds hysterical. Your parents are a hoot. Just love them. My kids still remember playing games with your Dad and Uncle Bob. They loved it!
Oh my! I'm cracking up! That's exactly how we play dominoes, but we just don't have the choo choo train! I'll have to look into that and the card shuffler. I'm so glad you guys are getting together like that. Laughter is so good for all of us!
BTW--I love that you are taking your camera with you! Fun pictures.
I'm laughing so hard just seeing Mom and Dad having so much fun. I wish I was there! I'm crying for home and family!
Glad to see as the years go by everyone's up for playing games. I loved going to your house in Torrance. You guys had that big storage, seating area I believe by the fireplace filled with every game imagineable. Good Times.
This is hysterical, so glad that you blogged this. It was a fun night wasn't it?
Love Mom
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