When I was younger going to the dentist was like going to have an operation. Back than, I guess I am aging myself, but it really was like that. Hardly ever used Novocaine and the scraping and drilling was enough to make you puck! Us children would always wait to see who would go first and than we would look through those Highlight books. Find the hidden missing object . Dr. Kogan. That was our dentist when I was younger. I was thinking about him today and all the new gadgets they have now to make the process so much easier on people like me. My dentist has a massage chair, Flat Screens in each room anything you want. Thank goodness. And he is very very easy on the eyes. So my teeth are clean and shinier and look great!
Good girl. You did it. I don't like going to the dentist either but if they can save any tooth in your mouth it is worth going. I never wanted to have false teeth as both my parents had them and I swore that I would always take care of my teeth.
Love Mom
We all need therapy after the Dr. Kogan experience!!! I am due for a cleaning and exam too.
Keep posting!!
Cindy you make me Laugh about your comment. Your are right!
Well once we move back to Phoenix (it feels like that will be in a billion years) you'll have to let Brad work on you! Lol.
Hey Girl! You did it! I went yesterday also! Keep up the brave soul, I'm rooting (ha ha) for you! I don't like the dentist either. The first time I went I had 12 cavities.
Love Ya!
Love, Linda Lu
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