Well I did it! My lesson for RS is over. Here is a picture of my table. I did bring some cinnamon rolls for them to munch on while I taught. It is like a tradition in our ward. It really is alot fun and the sisters enjoy it. As you know the Lesson was on Living Revelation. It was a good lesson. I learned so much and the authority of who receives revelation. I felt very much in touch with spirit while teaching and just went with it. I was exhausted when it was done. But I would do it again. The love the teachings of Joseph Smith I am glad it is a 2yr book. I am grateful for my friends who helped me with my lesson. Gwen and Ronda. Gwen and I both taught the same lesson this Sunday and Ronda taught the lesson in her Ward 2 weeks ago. Thank you both for you thoughts and the awesome handouts. It work out perfectly.
I wish I could have been there! I bet it was fantastic. You always give great lessons!
I'm with Kristin, bet you did a fantastic job. Love you
I'm with all the cousins, I know you did a great job. Glad to hear it went so well. Well done my love.
Yay! for you! I knew it would be great. Wish I could have been there and watched you. I'll bet I would have learned a lot! Way to go!
The table looked great!
What a great day! I wish I could have been there too but I was busy teaching my ward!!!
You bring treats for the sisters? What is that about. We were told in primary that we couldn't bribe the kids and to know that the adults are being bribed in your ward is just not fair! I'm sure a cinnamom roll on a Sunday morning would certainly put me in the spirit. I am sure you are an amazing teacher, doll. We need to get together and just laugh and enjoy one another.
I always up for good laughter! download MS messenger so that we can all talk. It is easy. you can add me on lldt@hotmail.com
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