Tuesday, September 30, 2008
"The Result"
I am not too happy with the results! I really wanted Cloris to go home. I really have had enough of her. However Kim just did not do anything. I felt like she just walked around the dance floor. Like Bruno said she has the goods she just did not use them. Loved Kim and Warren doing there dance again tonight. He is adorable! I hope he does good next week. Does anyone know what the dance is for next week? I never hear them announce it. Do they and I am just missing it? Let me know.
Who is going home tonight!? Please let it be Cloris! I can't take it anymore. First night ok. Second night horrible, third night, no MORE PLEASE! Ok my favorite! Warren Sapp! Love him!!!!! What a joy to watch him. Ok what our your predictions!???
"Eagle Court of Honor"

"A New Vacuum"

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
"Dancing with the Stars"!
Don't have a lot of time to post the morning as I am getting ready for work. Loved the show! I thought I was going to wet my pants with Ms. Leitchman. She made the show. Also love Warren Sapp. Our big teddy bear! I will comment more later.
Monday, September 22, 2008
"Game Night at the Readings"
I hope I can put this funny and hysterical evening in words! Ok here goes. Our family has some dear friends from our old ward in Torrance. They are the Readings! We have know them since, oh let me see for about 47yrs. Well Sister Reading and her oldest daughter live out here in AZ now. Well we all have decided that at least once a month we will all get together and have dinner and play games. So this past Saturday we had it on Ronda's and Arlene's home in Surprise. Ronda cooked and made really good Beef Stroganoff. Yummy! And than excellent pumpkin pie for desert. A little taste of Autumn. It was great!
Well Ronda and Arlene have the game called "3 and 4's". A card game. 3 decks of cards are in this game. So I asked who was going to shuffle. Well are Arlene says "no need to scuffle" and she whips out the deck scuffler like the ones in Vegas! I thought I was going to wet my pant. So Craig and my Dad start scuffling the cards for about 10 mins. Come on guys! It must be a guy thing. So we started to play the game and noticed that mom did not have anymore cards. We asked what was wrong and she politely told us she could not hold the cards because of her arititis in her thumbs. That was fine so Arlene said "lets play Mexican train". A domino's game. Sounds great. So we get all the domino's passed out and the game is being explained and all of sudden dad says "wait are these domino's in color? I can't see color!" I just about lost it. And than Mom and Dad starting laughing so hard, we where all about on the floor. Dad said "you might has well hang a handicap sign on mom and I". "Thank goodness I can count"! The night continued with these two. Dad is a good card and a good game player. I was shocked to see these two in action with games. It was so much fun. Than mom would say things like "well I just put that card down." And Arlene would lean over and tell her "Sigie we are playing domino's" and we would just fall apart with laughter. It was so awesome medicine for all of us. I love to laugh. I will cherish that evening that I had with them and to see them play games like that and just laugh at themselves and with all of us. It was great! Here are some pictures. Enjoy!

Let me Recap Saturday!

Here is a little girl that made a ring for herself. Too cute!

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Super Saturday and Game Night!
I am so tired right now, but trust me SS awesome and game night, lets just say, Mexican Train, and my parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need I say more! Details later! I just about wet my pants. I have pictures. I never laugh so hard in my life. I could barely play the game.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Craving Mexian Food

Tomorrow we have a big day. Mom and I are going out to help Kristin with her wards "Super Saturday". Kristin is the homemaking counselor. They are making the cutest things! She really has a good eye for nice things to make. The sister really enjoy it. Watch for Pictures. Than my girlfriend lives out there, so we are all going over there for dinner and game night. Oh it is hysterical! We laugh so hard. Last time we went we played "Yahtzee" Guess who won? My Mother!!! She was getting Yahtzee every roll of the dice. We where laughing so hard. So fun! Watch for pictures. Need to run to Costco to pick up rolls for Kristin for the luncheon tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Another Piece of Gods Country

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
"We are back and we did good"
Ok, so we pulled up to Costco and he said to me "you get a basket and I will get a basket". Oh my this is not going to be good. Craig was pushing his cart so fast I could barely keep up with him. I was looking and the Roasted Almonds, and he had already found that big bag of Peanuts, Beef Jerky and Cereal in his cart, I had nothing. So I go and get the staple things, toothpaste, some vitamin's, shampoo etc. He is already down 2 isles with stuff in his basket. We had to have a discussion on what we where going to get. I did not want to get up to the register and I pass out because of what we bought. So we did. I should have had him make a list before we went. Next time. Ok the grand total $276.00 and some change. I think we did good. We even bought dinner for tonight. A roasted chicken for 5.99 I can't buy a chicken for that and Roast it. It was big too. So that was our evening.
Help we are going to Costco!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008
The Day After

Well I did it! My lesson for RS is over. Here is a picture of my table. I did bring some cinnamon rolls for them to munch on while I taught. It is like a tradition in our ward. It really is alot fun and the sisters enjoy it. As you know the Lesson was on Living Revelation. It was a good lesson. I learned so much and the authority of who receives revelation. I felt very much in touch with spirit while teaching and just went with it. I was exhausted when it was done. But I would do it again. The love the teachings of Joseph Smith I am glad it is a 2yr book. I am grateful for my friends who helped me with my lesson. Gwen and Ronda. Gwen and I both taught the same lesson this Sunday and Ronda taught the lesson in her Ward 2 weeks ago. Thank you both for you thoughts and the awesome handouts. It work out perfectly.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Relief Society Lesson
I am up early to reveiw my RSLesson one more time. Its quite a good time to review. I will report back later today. I am a little nervous. Say a prayer for me. Lesson #16 page 195. If you want to read it.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Relief Society Board Leadership Meeting

Well I took a picture of moms and my salads. Mom brought an awesome green salad. It was fantastic with a homemade poppy seed dressing. She always does a good salad. I had help from the store. Chicken salad and a really good Marconi and cheese salad. I will admit, when I need help with something quick that I can not make, the store deli comes in handy. Again the evening turned out great and I am feeling good.
Friday, September 12, 2008
"I am not cooking tonight dear"

Or is this her prize!?! I guess both!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
"Remember 911" Where were you?

"An Arizona "Haboob" Dust Storm"

"Help Mosquitos!!!"
Monday, September 8, 2008
More of back a few months photos
Back a few months

The Dentist

When I was younger going to the dentist was like going to have an operation. Back than, I guess I am aging myself, but it really was like that. Hardly ever used Novocaine and the scraping and drilling was enough to make you puck! Us children would always wait to see who would go first and than we would look through those Highlight books. Find the hidden missing object . Dr. Kogan. That was our dentist when I was younger. I was thinking about him today and all the new gadgets they have now to make the process so much easier on people like me. My dentist has a massage chair, Flat Screens in each room anything you want. Thank goodness. And he is very very easy on the eyes. So my teeth are clean and shinier and look great!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Birthday Celebration for DAD!

Happy "77th" birthday dad!! You look great.
Last night mom had a little get together for Dad for his 77th birthday. He requested a Sunday Roast Beef dinner with all the trimmings. In our family for your birthday, you get to choose your favorite dinner and favorite cake for the celebration. We had lots fun. Craig, I, Gwen, Bob, Kristin, Clint, Keifer, Josh where for the big dinner. There was so much food left over we could not believe it. It was soooo good. Mom is still a great good. Roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, yummy cooked carrots, salad, homemade rolls, with homemade pressures. Raspberry, peach, and strawberry. Oh sooo good. Mom has not lost her touch. The table looked fantastic with all the fall colors and candlelight. Dad had a great time as did we all. Happy Birthday dad. You are so awesome. Thank you for always being there when I need to talk. You have a good listening ear. I love you.
Went to church today. I was good as always. Keeps me centered and ready for the week ahead.
Joshua came over for dinner and to watch football with Uncle Craig today. He requested Pork chop dinner which is one of his favorite. So Auntie complied. He will be picking up Meredith this evening from her job in CA that she has been for the past week. If I do say so myself the dinner did come out rather deli sh. Mom and dad came for dinner too. Mom walked in with a homemade peach pie!!! Oh my. I couldn't. And I did not indulge. Josh and the guys have finished it off. Good.
Well that is my post to today. I will try and download my pictures.
Last night mom had a little get together for Dad for his 77th birthday. He requested a Sunday Roast Beef dinner with all the trimmings. In our family for your birthday, you get to choose your favorite dinner and favorite cake for the celebration. We had lots fun. Craig, I, Gwen, Bob, Kristin, Clint, Keifer, Josh where for the big dinner. There was so much food left over we could not believe it. It was soooo good. Mom is still a great good. Roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, yummy cooked carrots, salad, homemade rolls, with homemade pressures. Raspberry, peach, and strawberry. Oh sooo good. Mom has not lost her touch. The table looked fantastic with all the fall colors and candlelight. Dad had a great time as did we all. Happy Birthday dad. You are so awesome. Thank you for always being there when I need to talk. You have a good listening ear. I love you.
Went to church today. I was good as always. Keeps me centered and ready for the week ahead.
Joshua came over for dinner and to watch football with Uncle Craig today. He requested Pork chop dinner which is one of his favorite. So Auntie complied. He will be picking up Meredith this evening from her job in CA that she has been for the past week. If I do say so myself the dinner did come out rather deli sh. Mom and dad came for dinner too. Mom walked in with a homemade peach pie!!! Oh my. I couldn't. And I did not indulge. Josh and the guys have finished it off. Good.
Well that is my post to today. I will try and download my pictures.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
"Happy 30th Birthday to my Sweet Nephew"

30 yrs again today a sweet little angel was born into our family. First grandson and first nephew. This sweet boy entered into the world at 3:05 pm weighing 5lbs 9oz 18inches long. His name
Michael David Duffy. I was at work when I received the phone call that he was finally here! I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. I was a Auntie!!! Grandma and Grandpa Davis, packed there silver Oldsmobile with all kinds of stuff especially the "Yellow Horse" that us children used when we where little and headed for Utah to meet there grandson. Grandpa had cleaned and fixed it all up the horse for Michael to play with when he was old enough too.
This little baby was the cutest thing ever. If I do say so myself. When I had moved to Utah and lived in the basement of my parents home with Cindy and Duff, I used to take Michael to mall with me and pretend he was mine. He looked like he could be mine. I loved doing that. We would have so much fun together. He used to stand at the top of the stairs and yell "Annie"(which meant Auntie) and than when I said come on down, he would slide on his belly so fast down the stairs to come for a visit. It was so funny. We would just laugh at him and than he would laugh at himself too. So cute.
Where does 30 yrs go? I love Michael as if where my own. I feel like Cindy birthed him, and in some strange way I think he is mine. Even to this day. I have watch him grow into a wonderful man, husband and nephew. His love for the gospel, his family and for his wife makes my heart swell with delight.
Happy Birthday Michael. I love you very much more than you know. My cup runeth over!
Love, Auntie
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
" I am here and blogging"
Ok it has been a while that I have posted anything on my blog. Here I am tonight hope this works. So much has been happening since the wedding. New Church calling, work. I love my new church calling. Visiting Teach Coordinator. I love it. I have gotten to know the sisters in the ward so much better. There needs and special issues that they have. The Relief Sociaty President and I visit alot and issues and what sister need. It has been such a blessing and very fullfilling. I love this calling. I will be teaching RS in a couple a weeks. I am nervous but delighted to do so. We had crazy monsoons in the Valley of Sun. Many tress uprooted right out of the ground. The lighting is crazy crazy!!!!
I will post some pictures if I can remember how. Cindy where are you when I need you to help me?
I am going to go to a new job in a week and my boss now is really pitching for me to stay. I can not. I have bill collectors calling him everyday, and my payck is on a cashiers ck. How crazy is that. Found a great job that just landed in my lap. I know the Lord has been looking out for me and had a hand in this. I will post later about it.
I have been playing Christmas music lately!! Love it!! It really puts me a great mood. I love th holiday anyway and meaning of it, decorations etc. This weekend I will be puting out my fall decor. I have a Halloween village. It is called " Spooking Town" I love it. It is so cute. I will take a picture and post it so you can see it. I always buy one new item each year. This year's is really cute.
Well need to run and finish up some VT reports.
So I am back blogging. I hope this posts. I love you all!
I will post some pictures if I can remember how. Cindy where are you when I need you to help me?
I am going to go to a new job in a week and my boss now is really pitching for me to stay. I can not. I have bill collectors calling him everyday, and my payck is on a cashiers ck. How crazy is that. Found a great job that just landed in my lap. I know the Lord has been looking out for me and had a hand in this. I will post later about it.
I have been playing Christmas music lately!! Love it!! It really puts me a great mood. I love th holiday anyway and meaning of it, decorations etc. This weekend I will be puting out my fall decor. I have a Halloween village. It is called " Spooking Town" I love it. It is so cute. I will take a picture and post it so you can see it. I always buy one new item each year. This year's is really cute.
Well need to run and finish up some VT reports.
So I am back blogging. I hope this posts. I love you all!
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