Curtis and His Uncle Stephen. Curtis and
Craigs Fathers Brother.
Craig's brother Curtis was down in Arizona for a few days. He drives this huge 18 wheel kitchen around the country for the Susan G.
Komen walk for breast cancer. He sets up this huge kitchen and gets it ready for the cooks. He also goes to flood areas and fire areas. Feeds the fireman, that work hard on a 24/7 shift. He goes where ever his company sends him. He also drives a huge
Refrigeration truck as well. You should see it. I have never seen a Frig that big in my life. So he is here in AZ for the walk and wanted to take everyone out to dinner. So off we went to
MaMa's. I was still under the weather, but we went anyway. Had a coughing attack on the way home and I thought I was going to die. We don't see him often because of his travels. But when he is in town it is fun to get together. Even if it is only for a few hours. He will be back for Christmas. He has come along way in his life and we are proud that he has made so many good changes in his life to be where he is today. Thanks again for dinner Curtis. See you at Christmas.
1 comment:
I'm glad you were able to get together with him, and that you were feeling up to going.
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