Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Still sick


gwen and bob said...

take it easy and get better girl!
This sticks around for awhile! Bob is barely getting over it after 3 weeks!

Linda Lu said...

Sorry you're still not feeling better! Sarah went to visit Marist College in New York this past weekend and came home with a sore throat. I looked at it and said you are going to the doctor. Wa La she has Strep! Now I'm nursing her! Get lots of rest and feel better soon!
Love ya!

Berta said...

HOW ARE YOU FEELING TODAY? Hope you're feeling better! Having 'been there / done that' - I feel for you. Come back soon and write more posts. GET BETTER! Luv ya!

Sigie said...

Here we are in January already and we are still blowing our nose's and coughing. What a virus this is.