Thursday, November 13, 2008

"Feeling somewhat better"

This is what I feel I need to keep up with blowing my nose all the time! This flu is horriable!


Linda Lu said...

OMG (Gosh) where in the heck did you find that picture? That is too funny!
Glad you're feeling a little better, I think I may be coming down with something. My eyes are puffing up so bad I can barely see and I keep trying to fall asleep!

Cindy said...

I love that picture. I am fighting something myself. Runny nose, headache, tired. I keep taking emergenC or airborne. I do not want to get sick!

Jennifer said...

If it is the same thing that I have, it stinks! I keep popping the Sudafed Sinus. Glad to hear that you are feeling a little bit better. Don't do to much to soon. Take care of yourself. Love You!

gwen and bob said...

love the picture!!! hope you're feeling better!

Trevor and Lauren said...

Oh Auntie!
Sorry about the flu, that's never fun. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better.